Wednesday, August 17, 2005

turning a corner...

I'm proud to be a part of Northwest. We turned a significant corner this past weekend. We began a 2nd worship gathering on Sunday morning.

Boy, Matt, you're pretty easily excited...

True...I am. But this is bigger than just adding another worship means much more.

- It means we are more committed to excellence in ministry to kids than our own comfort
- It means we are deeply committed to nurturing the souls of those who serve every weekend by making a way for them to worship together every weekend.
- It means we believe that God wants to use us to grow His kingdom and we're putting ourselves in a position to do that more effectively by making some more room.

It's a little scary because if one of the worship gatherings are too empty, then it feels anticlimactic...that's bad for a sense of momentum and mission. It's a risk because it means that some people will be asked to step up in service when before they could just show up. It's harder work because it requires more solid planning on just about every front. But it's important and worth it.

You see, we're not okay with being fat and happy. We're not okay with thousands of people around us who have never had the chance to engage Jesus in relevant and authentic ways. So we're doing something about it.

So here we go...



Dawn said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! How EXCITING!!! I hope we can get out there to a service someday.

Anonymous said...

That was a great statement of the challenges, potential problems, and exciting goals for you and the church. You go, Matthew. We are praying for you.