Friday, August 12, 2005

dancing with the unimpressed...

What a great time we had tonight (we = my, Heidi, and about 25 Northwest-ers). We helped put on the Summer Dance (Viva Las Vegas!) for the members of the Center for Enriched Living.

At first glance, I thought the title referred to the members of the Center, which is a community center for mentally handicapped/challenged adults. But after tonight, I think that it refers to those who give a bit of themselves to serve this often marginalized community of people loved of God. My life is enriched because of my involvement in what happened tonight.

I got to talk with Rob, who is very curious if London, New York, Miami, and Israel are very far way.

I visited with another lady (I didn't see her name tag) about her dog, who she loves very much. She's excited about the trip she'll take tomorrow for lunch and a movie (of course she'll be seeing Must Love Dogs).

Bryce loved to jump and dance like crazy. He asked if I would be his friend. When I said yes, he was very happy.

I got to meet Matt and Cindy, a couple of young adults who are giving themselves to serve this community of people. And one year from today, they will do so as husband and wife!

Victoria knew all the words to the songs.

Frank loves Elvis. Frank really, really loves Elvis.

Yup...I feel like my life has been a bit enriched tonight. I gave some. I received much.

What was the gift I received? I had a chance to be in a room full of people who were glad that I was there simply because I was there. I didn't have to dance too well (which is a very good thing). I didn't have to be rich. I just had to be there and smile.

And I'm also a bit richer because I got to be a part of this with my new community...Northwest. I'm proud to be a part of a church that would consider something like this a big deal and show up big-time.

Somehow...I'm not even exactly sure, I was a part of the Kingdom come tonight. No one preached, yet the Gospel was clearly presented. There were no songs that talked about God, yet I sense His pleasure.

The Center for Enriched's a good name. Thanks for letting me be there.


ps - you can check out the link to the right...

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