Thursday, April 07, 2005

let the games begin...

My family begins descending on Lake Villa this evening. The Cary clan (sister, brother-in-law, and 3 nephews) will be the first real test of our entertaining capabilities in the new house. The basement is finished. We finally got a new kitchen sink with garbage disposal (not fun without one) yesterday. We're ready to go!! Bring it on!

Then, Friday evening, my mom and dad will show up in town. They will make their regular pilgrimage to mecca aka IKEA and then head north to our home. Mom's bringing lasagna...yum!

Carys are driving back to Michigan from Denver, where they spend a few days skiing. They will be tired, I'm sure. They will finish their trip on Saturday, meaning only Mom and Dad will join us for worship on Sunday.

Like I mentioned above, we just got a new kitchen sink, faucet, and disposal. It has been bad tossing food into the stinks and makes Heidi, who is already nauseous enough, run the john...not good. So we had a guy come over yesterday to install it all. It looks great. It's a sink worth having a party.

Today is study day...can't you tell? I'm working on a message for this weekend. I'm excited about it. But you have to come...I won't give any sneak peaks!

Kevin's preaching next weekend, which gives me a little break. I'm hoping to use that time to get further if I'm any ahead right now.

Well, that's the scoop for now.



1 comment:

C-Man said...

please save some lasagna for me........